Week 1: Prayer
Additional Thoughts/Information/Suggestions
Additional Thoughts/Information/Suggestions
“Perhaps our real task in prayer is to attune ourselves to the conversation already going on deep in our hearts. Then we may align our conscious intentions with the desire of God being expressed at our core.” - Marjorie J. Thompson
“Moses prayed boldly because he believed his prayers could change things, even God’s mind. In fact, the Bible stresses so forcefully the openness of our universe that, in an anthropomorphism hard for modern ears, it speaks of God constantly changing his mind in accord with his unchanging love (Exod. 32:14, John 3:10)…We are working with God to determine the future! Certain things will happen in history if we pray rightly. We are to change the world by prayer.”–Richard Foster
“Prayer is not a substitute for action. It is an action for which there is no substitute.” – Douglas Steere
“Praying continually is a way of life. It’s like breathing: we don’t concentrate on every breath we take. Once we learn to respond with prayer to all that happens around us, we can pray automatically – all of the time.” - Walt Kallestad
Some suggestions for entering into prayer:
Create a regular time and space for prayer in your day. Set aside a room, or closet, or corner where you regularly go to pray. Place images in that space that help you pray or books that inspire your prayers. Light a candle when you begin. Use incense if that appeals to you. Play soft music in the background if that helps you focus.
Write a list of daily prayer triggers – places or times that remind you to pray.
For example:
Hearing a fire engine siren or ambulance - Lord be with those in crisis and bless and keep safe those on their way to help.
Watching the news – Lord, bring peace to the world and guide our leaders to work for justice.
While doing laundry – Thank you God for clothes to wear and bless those who have no clothes.
Use a prayer journal to keep track of your prayers and be attentive to the world around you for answers to those prayers. Write down the answer you think you have received.
Pray the Psalms or rewrite or paraphrase a psalm in your payer journal.
When you become distracted in prayer note the distraction, if needed pray for the thing that is distracting you, and return to your prayer. It is NORMAL for this to happen and does not mean you cannot pray or have failed in prayer.
Sing, chant, or breathe a prayer letting a familiar tune or set of words and the rhythms of your body and breath pave the way for communion with God.
Pray with your children, spouse, or family and pray for your children, spouse or family. Pray as a way to begin and end the day. Pray over meals. Pray when you are thankful for them. Pray when you are angry with them.
Pray a variety of different prayers at different times throughout the day – asking for help, praising God, gratefulness for abundance, asking for something for others, just resting in the presence of God, prayers for the world, for our community, and for justice for all, etc.
Suggestions for breath or chanting prayers:
Spirit, fill me
Christ, strengthen me
Creator, love me
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Have mercy on me, a sinner.
In our new house I recently set up a prayer area (a dormer in our loft/study) where I have various images that help me to focus on God. I also keep prayer books there and have a candle and incense to burn for use during prayer. This has been very helpful to me in getting into a prayerful mood and staying there, since I know this is a space just for prayer. So often I spend my time multi-tasking but I know this is a place for only one thing. Now I can just look over there from my place at the computer and I feel more peaceful and it reminds me to say a quick prayer before I go on with my work.
I would highly recommend the website www.greatfulness.org as prayer resource. In particular the "Angel of the Hour" under Features or you can light a candle for someone or something. Go check it out. The link is located on the main page of the blog.
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